Monday, January 6, 2014

Jewish Storytellers

From Jewish filmmakers like Mark Birnbaum to authors like Michael Lichtenstein, so many rich Jewish tales on story-telling. Some top quotes about Jewish storytellers:

·        “Jewish folklore is full of vivid stories that both entertain and teach.”

·        “Jewish mythology is the sacred and traditional narratives that help explain and symbolize Judaism.” Wikipedia

·        “…Can science fiction be part of Jewish culture? From fantasy stories we know? And as I think of it, it begins to seem to me that it is and we do know. And the source? From where else? From the Hebrew source for everything– From the Bible. We have but to look through the Bible to see for ourselves.” Isaac Asimov

·        “In one of his more light-hearted books, Isaac Bashevis Singer depicts his childhood in one of the over-populated poor quarters of Warsaw, a Jewish quarter, just before and during the First World War. The book, called In My Father’s Court (1966), is sustained by a redeeming, melancholy sense of humour and a clear-sightedness free of illusion.”

·        “For most of the characters in ‘Snow in August,’ Jackie Robinson is a hero, but a few consider him a villain trying to push his way in where he doesn’t belong. But racism is only in the background in this film; the more prominent issue is anti-Semitism and, to a smaller extent, anti-Catholicism.” Jonathan Chisdes

·        “The absorbing biopic ‘Hannah Arendt’ focuses on the period during which the titular philosopher and political theorist covered the 1961 trial of former Nazi officer Adolf Eichmann for The New Yorker. The film is perhaps most gripping when we see Arendt — herself a survivor of a French prison camp — watching and scrutinizing Eichmann as he’s questioned.” Rochester City Newspaper

·        “‘Hava Nagila: The Movie’ [is] a fun, frothy little documentary tracing the history and oddly murky origins of the song that’s all but inseparable from Jewish culture.” Adam Lubitow

·        “…in the midst of a train wreck of religion, politics, and identity, The Infidel finds gentle humor by exploring the absurdity of all bigotry.”

·        “Also known as Anne Frank: The Whole Story, this film far surpasses The Diary of Anne Frank in scope, depth and overall power. Going well beyond the 1959 film, which was true to the spirit of Anne’s diary, but limited its coverage to her time in hiding, this version humanizes Anne by placing her life in a larger context.” Jimmy Gillman

·        “It wasn’t so long ago that one could justifiably lament that fantasy literature was a weak strain in Israel, science fiction only somewhat less marginal, and that Hebrew literary culture was generally suspicious of the fantastical and speculative.” Jewish Review of Books

·        “When Schindler’s List was released in 1993 it was rightly hailed as one of the most powerful films ever made and won seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director. It is hard to believe now that Oskar Schindler was virtually unknown at the time, but as with so many aspects of history, it is likely that he was quickly forgotten again and young people have no knowledge of Schindler or other rescuers.” Jewish Virtual Library

·        “The Hope Fulfilled provides a historical account of the complicated events from the late 1800′s that led up to the formation of the State of Israel in 1948.” Jacqueline Shields

·        “Many people have pondered how Israel, a tiny besieged population with little in the way of natural resources or room to maneuver, has built a successful economy, distinctive culture, and powerful military in 64 short years of independence. What is the secret to Israel’s success? In the new film, ‘Israel Inside, How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference,’ this is the exact question that Dr. Tal Ben Shahar attempts to answer.” Zach Scheinerman

What is your favorite Jewish tale?


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